Biomass producers and suppliers

Sell processed residue – in place of logs

Put simply, our products will make you more money. You can sell wood chips - made from processing low cost forest residues with our plants - to your customers in place of logs.

  • The clean white wood fiber output can be used instead of de-barked log wood chips or primary and secondary wood chips

Higher profits for you

By selling clean wood chips produced from logging residue with our plant, you can increase your profit margin by up to:

  • 300% compared to selling logs

Low ash content

Our process removes the bark, needles and leaves and sand and soil from logging residues.

  • The wood fiber output has a low ash content like de-barked pulp wood log chips

Low processing cost

Our fully automated plants are designed from the ground up to use very little power and be very cost efficient. The operating cost of process plant modules is from as low as:

  • $4 per ton

Fast return on investment

Our processing plants will give you a fast return on investment. Depending upon the size of the plant modules you chose, you could get a payback on your investment is as little as:

  • 2 1/2 years

Boiler fuel

The other output from the plant is a bark rich boiler fuel. This can be used directly in place of hog fuel to power industrial boilers and dryers. 

If you are interested in finding our more, please contact us for further information.


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